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Is Edubirdie Legit?

When it comes to asking for academic writing assistance online, it is only natural to feel concerned! When approaching essay writing services like EduBirdie and trusting them with your writing challenges, you can be safe. The main question relates to the company’s being legit and whether the help that is being offered includes illegal services. It has led to fierce debates on social sites like Reddit and Quora regarding the legal side of the matter and the US legislation.

If you are worried, check the information below! It will help you answer the question of whether Is EduBirdie legit.

At the beginning, we would like to dispel all myths and confirm that company is legal and offers legit services in the field of academic writing. Students should not worry about using custom writing services to assist them with assignments, essays, or exams. Let’s take a detailed look by studying the opinions of students, college professors, and the legal perspective. There is a reason that over 20,000 students use these services every year. They are a fantastic study aid. The purpose of our guide is to explain that EduBirdie legal services will not get you in trouble as long as you don’t violate the rules of essay use.

What Is Edubirdie?

To determine whether EduBirdie is legit and if it’s dangerous according to students and professors, you must understand what help is offered. As a writing help service, EduBirdie aims to create custom essays for students that need help. If you have trouble with an assignment, using our help is a legit way to have a paper written to match your needs. Many students fail their assignments because they cannot finish them on time or cannot get help beyond office hours. Turning to legit essay writing services like EduBirdie, students can improve their grades without violating the law. When academic writing services are used correctly to write your own essay, all aspects remain legit. Remember to read EduBirdie rules and make sure that you do not violate our user agreement rules. You can also find some examples of essay titles that Edubirdie provides:

  • Should there be more gun control legislation?
  • Is global warming going to be a threat to humanity?
  • Discuss the Civil War and why it was significant.

Is It a Reliable Service?

So, is EduBirdie reliable? Absolutely. It is a legit service that is always ready to help students when they need it the most. A lot of people ask, EduBirdie if I don’t like the paper, do I get my money back. The answer to this is yes. By law, if you are not happy with the product or service, you are entitled to be refunded for your expenses. The company makes sure it follows the law and is legit on this point. To answer the question is EduBirdie safe? Yes, everything is designed to be safe for the user.

is edubirdie legit

How Much Does Edubirdie Cost?

The price of a paper will vary depending on how long it is. Students usually make a deposit at the beginning. Their money is only released after they are satisfied with the paper that they receive. This ensures that it is not a scam and it is legit, with them getting the work that they need. It is always made affordable for students to receive help from Edubirdie.

Is Edubirdie Legal – the Different View Points

If you still worry about is edubirdie legal? I am here to calm you, beacuase, now we are on the main part that you will want to know about. Is Edubirdie legit in the eyes of students, educational institutions, and the law? The short answer is yes is it viewed as legit by all three, but let’s look at it in a bit more detail.

Approaching Things Via The Legal Perspective

If one takes a look at the legal side of things, there is no legislation or relevant bills that would state that writing an essay for a student is illegal. Turning to the legislation and being legit, we have no laws that would prevent the websites from selling the essays, thus making it a legit practice in technical terms. As the BBC experts point out: 

“At the moment there’s nothing, legally speaking, to stop websites selling essays. In fact, many websites contain disclaimers that say students shouldn’t pass off the essays as their own and that they should only be used as study aids.”

It pretty much sums up the agenda that EduBirdie follows as well, which shows that one should use academic writing services only for learning and educative purposes. When a person needs help in writing an essay and receives a practical example that has been penned by an expert, there is nothing that would be illegal about the practice. Asking for help is legit as long as it is used correctly. Even if you misuse the essay that you have received, it is against the rules of our company (not against the law) and only questions the moral side of the student. You will violate the rules that we have at EduBirdie though. You may not be breaking the law by passing the essay as your own but you will stand in front of moral choices and the rules of academic integrity. 

The Student’s Perspective

Writers are there to help students when they are having difficulty with an essay. Help can be hard to find, and often tutors are too expensive since they have to pay tuition fees. Using an essay writing service like Edubirdie is a way to learn without breaking the bank. Professional writers are providing a model answer that the student can use as part of their study. So, does EduBirdie actually work? Absolutely, seeing the best way to write on a topic serves as a good learning material to use. Of course, a lot of people assume ask is EduBirdie cheating? The answer is definitely no. The model answers are created for students to use legally as a study aid. They are not to be copied or submitted as their own work. Thus:

edubirdie is legal Source: https://inews.co.uk/news/education/essay-mill-company-what-its-like-202851

There is a certain element of responsibility expected from the student. The company makes it clear that the essays that are created should be for study use only. But it will be the responsibility of that student to listen. There is nothing wrong or illegal as long as you keep up with the rules. It shows that EduBirdie is legal as a service and you should keep the work to yourself and never pass it as your own writing!

Educational Institution’s Perspective

Of course, everyone wants to know the opinion from teachers and professors on is Edubirdie legit. Again, they do not have a problem with service as long as it is used as a studying aid, rather than a way to cheat. As long as it is used for research and for reference, it is fine. It is like hiring a tutor or someone to help you with your work if you are struggling to understand concepts. But Edubirdie should never be used to cheat, and you should never submit someone else’s work and say you write it. You own the paper, and it is your responsibility to use it correctly and in a legit manner that it was ordered for.

Conclusion on Edubirdie

To answer the question is EduBirdie.com safe, the answer is yes, it is legit. This is a fully legal service that can be used by students across the globe. There is no legislation that bans students from accessing these learning services, and you can use custom essays as study aids. In terms of what students and teachers think, they are both in agreement that it is legit. This is a writing service that can help with studying, and as long as it is not abused, it can be used to your advantage.

Visit EduBirdie

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Read also full EduBirdie review.

9 Reviews

  1. AUTHORWilliam Trent

    on January 21, 2019 at 6:08 pm - Reply

    Well, technically we cannot say the edubirdie in not legit, it may seem like a grey area from a moral point of view, but the company is completely legal, it must be to exist for such a long time and survive the bbc news report and stuff – you can see it for yourself http://www.bbc.com/news/education-43975508. – quote from the article – “At the moment there’s nothing, legally speaking, to stop websites selling essays. In fact many websites contain disclaimers that say students shouldn’t pass off the essays as their own and that they should only be used as study aids”
    Plus, as I said before the site exists for quite a long time and has the common payment systems that cannot be linked to illegal activities. that alone is an indicator.
    The only thing that may initially scare away is the bogus profiles of writers. Many will think that this is a scam. But let’s think for a second, how many professors, scientists and just good specialists would like to post information that they help students for a fee? If I were a professor, I would not want my colleagues and students to know about it… I think that edubirdie has very well implemented the protection of personal data of writers (The only thing that is bad is the use of photos from other sources. But without photos the student will not order services).
    I think that if a student puts a detailed task, he will get the maximum result.
    Responsibility for such actions is borne only by the student, so I recommend writing essays, term papers, etc. independently.

  2. AUTHORNorman

    on July 19, 2019 at 11:37 am - Reply

    I have used this site personally and can confirm that it is legitimate and offers a quality array of services. I think some of the confusion is coming from EdubirdiesORG and EdubirdieCOM – EdubirdieCOM is the official, legitimate site – this is the one I have used to help with my studies. EdubirdiesORG, however, is a fraudulent site as I understand it. It appears to be a blatant copy of Edubirdie and has had a myriad of complaints lodged against it. Don’t make the mistake of confusing the two sites:
    – Edubirdie – Legit
    – Edubirdies – Not legit
    So down to the actual services offered by the LEGITIMATE website. You can basically gain help with writing essays. This can be done either by purchasing an actual paper or using one of the different essay tools available. The tools are as follows:
    – Plagiarism Checker
    – Paraphrasing Tool
    – APA-citation generator
    The plagiarism checker is similar to Grammarly but operates in a different way and has more features. I have used that several times to check the spelling/grammar of my work. The actual essay writing service is certainly legitimate. I went through the order process to gain help with a history assignment I had. I received a well-written paper at the end in the timeframe I had specified. Basically, the site delivered on what it promised.

  3. AUTHORSusan

    on July 19, 2019 at 11:42 am - Reply

    Having worked for Edubirdie for a lengthy period of time, I can certainly vouch for their validity. I appreciate that there are websites like this that do not offer a reputable, quality service – this can obviously tar people’s perceptions of essay services. Edubirdie, however, does offer a legitimate service – this is speaking from my own personal experience.
    As a writer, I have insight into the processes and how things work – what you see is what you get basically. Customers basically come to the website and follow the order process. They give details of what they require and then they choose a writer (hopefully me!). We then do the grunt work and create whatever type of paper they have requested. The work is intense – I have often had to work too quick deadlines and some of the subjects can be tough! But that in itself has only worked to improve my own skills and give me a greater knowledge of different topics and assignments types.
    Working for Edubirdie continues to be a pleasure. If you have any concerns about the legitimacy of the business then fear not. As a customer, you get exactly what you request/pay for – there is nothing untoward about the website and its practices.

  4. AUTHOREvan

    on December 8, 2019 at 5:37 pm - Reply

    As a student, I’m aware of how rapidly the industry of academic writing has developed over time. My answer is Yes since EduBirdie stabilized my progress during university times. Having ordered a few assignments, I received decent-quality papers, whereas the minor flaws were fixed on demand. The ethical side of the question remains topical, yet if one’s literally forced to order such services, EduBirdie is an absolutely legit solution. My prior experience with EduBirdie resulted in good grades and reputable customer service, and this is rather a convincing sign of whether EduBirdie is legit or not. My advice is to decide for yourself how to deal with your college or university assignment, yet remember that knowledge and applied skills are always placed above the good grades on the academic continuum. Regardless of what you decide, the company’s value is discernible.

  5. AUTHORMichael Bloomberg

    on December 21, 2019 at 1:52 pm - Reply

    I think that such services as Edubirdie have the right to exist and create the products. Why? Because it saves from different unexpectable situations, like when you have deadlines upcoming, and too much work to do, Edubirdie can become your savior.

  6. AUTHORKenneth

    on December 26, 2019 at 12:46 pm - Reply

    Well, what I clearly see is that people misuse the interpretation of ‘legitimacy’ while speaking of such services as EduBirdie. Considering my prior experience of contacting EduBirdie’s staff, I wouldn’t say that their competencies are backpedaling or somewhat inferior. It seems that this platform has stringent application terms and conditions, which is a good sign of the professional values of the company’s top management. Returning to your question, I would say that EduBirdie is 100% legit service for getting specialized academic assistance. Obviously, one might advocate for closer work with campus-based writing centers or interpersonal ties of students within their educational affiliations. However, most of my acquaintances have, at least once, used EduBirdie services because of the urgent need to receive prompt guidance in their written pieces. Regardless of what assignment you are expected to publish, EduBirdie professionals are capable of delivering top-notch academic assistance. So, what’s the point of associating this particular service with illegitimacy and illegality? As a matter of fact, EduBirdie is a leader in the industry of academic assistance services, which is an irreplaceable sign of its legitimacy and usability for most schoolers and college students. So, EduBirdie is 100% legit; no worries.

  7. AUTHORAlyssa Johnson

    on January 2, 2020 at 11:55 am - Reply

    There is no doubt that it`s a legal service because of its aim. I mean – providing a content. And what are you going to do with this content – it`s always your choice. My friends always use Edubirdie and they are totally satisfied.

  8. AUTHORBeth

    on January 3, 2020 at 9:01 pm - Reply

    Different people – different opinions.
    If we are talking about the legitimacy of this service, I think we all will come to point that it`s an extra controversial question. As for me, I have used Edubirdie for several times to write my essays. What you are saying about their support team, you`re wrong or simply just got a bad luck. My essay cost for 18$ per page and it was written very well. So I don`t understand how this could happen to you. The writer I chose was a real professional who knows what he is doing. Moreover, we were in touch during all the process of writing. So I`m sure if you contacted their support and reported your problems they would provide you all the needed assistance.
    Recalling to my own experience with Edubirdie team I can totally recommend this service to everyone who wants to get the qualified papers for the reasonable price.

  9. AUTHORSarah

    on January 4, 2020 at 11:04 pm - Reply

    I could never understand the point of view of people who do not like these services. Personally, I think that everything is very simple, if you do not like something you may not use it and give a choice to people who need the help of such sites. I have read a lot of edubirdie review and did not notice anything wrong with that. On the contrary, I can say that I will use their services if I do not have enough time to do it to my deadlines.

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